Saturday 31 August 2013

Earn With Chitika On Your Website

Chitika – stands for one of the best CPC programs out there for your Search Engine Traffic. When I say best I mean even better than Adsense. I will share with you some nice things in this Chitika review and if you still do not have an account with Chitika Sign up Now, believe me you’ll not regret it.
When it comes to any CPC based program all other programs like Yahoo Publisher Network, AdBrite, Bidvertiser all tend to copy Adsense and are not very different from Adsense and so getting advertiser for them becomes much more difficult. When it comes to Chitika they are not just yet another CPC ad network but are very innovative when it comes to CPC advertising and they are different in more than one way. Let’s see how?

1. Non-contextual
Yes they are non-contextual advertisement which means that they do not show ads based on the content of the page. So how do they match the ads then? They do so by showing ads based on the search engine referral keyword. As an example if you visit for keyword like Make Money Online you would see Ads related to make money online and if you next time visit the same page with some other keyword you would see ads related to other keywords and not related to make money online. This eventually means good CTR for your ads.
2. Less is more
Chitika do not show ads to all users visiting your site but only to those users which are referred from search engine. So you don’t bombard your frequent users with ads. This means you are showing fewer ads, but it does not impact your earnings much because your frequent users are anyway not going to click on ads. This also helps towards better user experience.
3. Different Ad Layout
Adsense does not allow images near the Ad units but when it comes to Chitika, they automatically display relevant images next to the ads! That of course means more CTR and more revenue for you.

4. Innovative Ads
Apart from the conventional ad layout they also offer other ad types like WhitespaceAd Code, Linx Ads where they hardly take up any extra space of your ad inventory and still make you some extra money.
Though Linx Ads are supported by many other Ad Networks, WhitespaceAd is the first time I have seen in Chitika. This emphasizes how creative is Chitika for publishers.
5. Ads Open in New Window
Google Adsense does not support ads to open in a new window or tab but Chitika ads always open in a new window which means you do not loose visitors for ad clicks.
They have so many good things but there are two sides of every coin.  One thing which I did not like is – premium ads are only shown to US and UK search traffic. This means if you have search traffic from other countries Chitika would not serve premium ads to them. This can be taken care of by having some other Ad Network and specially Google Adsense as default for such traffic.
Sign Up Now Click on the Banner

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